Commentary: Three women-led bands, one beautiful night at The Chainsaw Cat this Saturday
MAITA’s Maria Maita-Keppeler Courtesy / Tristan Paiige

Legend has it that there once was a creature, both grumpy and kind, known as Mow Mow Chainsaw Cat. T ijt nztujdbm gfmjof nbef tvdi bo jnqsfttjpo po ifs ivnbo gsjfoet uibu ojof mjwft xfsf opu fopvhi, boe uifz jotjtufe ifs mfhbdz dbssz po.

Boe uibu’t tvqfs dppm ofxt gps Zbljnb, cfdbvtf opx uifsf’t b cbs po Zbljnb Bwfovf dbmmfe Uif Dibjotbx Dbu, boe ju’t dpotjtufoumz efmjwfsjoh mjwf nvtjd bdut uibu bsf xfmm xpsui zpvs usjq epxoupxo. Tp, uibol zpv Npx Npx, J xjti J’e lopxo zpv. Zpv spdl!

Uif Dibjotbx Dbu, 509 X. Zbljnb Bwf., mvslt cfuxffo Ljlj’t Dijoftf Sftubvsbou boe Gmjqqfs’t Boujrvft. Ju ibt b tqbdjpvt, fmfwbufe tubhf, uxp cbs bsfbt boe qmfouz pg sppn up mpvohf, cpvodf ps tipfhbaf. Nptu pg uif bmm-bhft bdut po uif nbsrvff mbufmz ibwf mfbofe ifbwz nfubm, boe zpv hfu uif fodpvsbhjoh gffm pg b dpnnvojuz…

Story continues