Strong Handshake Leads To Arrest In Upstate New York
Megan Carter

There’s a lot that goes into the art of a good handshake. There’s a fine line between a firm, solid shake from a stranger and a bad handshake that can ruin a first impression.

We’ve all had an incident when upon meeting someone, we’re greeted by the grasp of a cold, limp hand; similar to holding on to a dead fish. On the other end of the spectrum, we’ve had handshakes that felt like the person was trying to literally break our wrist off.

A handshake that’s from a person with a death grip is often seen in movies and on TV as a sign of intimidation, but one person’s attempt at a threatening handshake went a little too far– so much so that it led to an arrest.

Man Arrested Over Handshake In Upstate New York

A judge in the small village of Bath, New York was arrested last week after a handshake that crossed a line during a board meeting…

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