Setton Farms expansion in Terra Bella sparks concerns
Photo by Rigo Moran

The Tulare County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved Setton’s environmental impact report (EIR) and expansion plans on Oct. 29, which will increase Setton’s agricultural land, harvest period and truck hauling. However, before it was approved, residents argued the project will further intensify existing community concerns about odors, dust and truck traffic due to the facility’s current operations, which sits within half a mile of local schools and homes.

“I live about half a mile away from the plant and you should see the dust that comes from there,” Terra Bella resident Lupe Supirez said. “We have a lot of community members, including myself and my mother, who suffer from asthma, COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and other respiratory issues.”

“The elementary and junior high school are within probably a half mile of the facility. The winds are usually in an easterly direction right into the school,” Belton said. “This particular portion…doesn’t sound that much bigger, but in reality…it’s quite a significant issue for the community.”…

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