Hey Michigan…Those May Not Be Ladybugs In Your House

Fall is a very interesting time of the year because more than ever insects do their part to try to make their way inside of your home as the weather outside gets colder. I recall the first time living in Kalamazoo my apartment was filled with stink bugs all over the counters and in the cracks of the sliding door.

Insects have the easiest way of finding their way into your home, and sometimes they can be a nuisance. Other insects aren’t as cringe as a stink bug, but much like a ladybug. You may be noticing that the ladybug has been finding its way inside your Michigan home, but because so many people love that insect, not much is done about the problem.

However, the main problem is that people don’t know the difference between ladybugs and other insects. Those cute ladybugs you have around your house may not be ladybugs at all. But what are they?


According to NBC Chicago, those cute little insects may actually be Asian lady beetles. The shell isn’t red with black spots but normally can be identified with an orange or yellow shell on the back and a clear black M-shaped marking behind the head…

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