McDonald’s In Texas Finally Put an End to Broken Ice Cream Machines!
Iris Lopez

Show of hands: Who in El Paso.. and pretty much anywhere, has been a victim of McDonalds infamous “Sorry, our ice cream machines are down” phrase?!

If you raised your hands then just know that you are not alone! It’s such a problem that someone created an actual website,, which reports that around 10-15% of McFlurry machines nationwide are out of order at any given moment. Yep, it’s that serious, and yup I have been a victim of this phrase many times!

There’s a Reason Behind McDonald’s Ice Cream Machine Breakdowns:

I honestly never thought I would come into contact with anything that had more breakdowns than I do, but here we are! Apparently the reason behind McDonald’s Ice Cream machine breakdowns is because they’re made by a company called Taylor, and up until now, they had a monopoly on repairs…

Story continues