Opinion: The battle when veterans return home: mental health issues

Many service members feel called to serve their country and feel honored to do so. They put their lives on the line to fight for the freedom and safety of others, but at what cost? Some veterans must go without a parent, child, spouse or sibling on holidays or other special occasions, being stationed out of the state or the country to serve for months or even years on end. Not to mention, some veterans return from war or combat with overall health issues, including mental health issues.

Home to 1.43 million veterans, Florida has the third largest veteran population in the nation. November marks a critical time to raise awareness of the unique battle veterans may face once they return home: mental health issues.

Mental health issues can severely impact a person’s quality of life, making it difficult to work, maintain relationships and enjoy the everyday activities they once loved. For veterans who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety, these effects can be amplified…

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