WVJC, Vandalia Health Celebrate Nursing Graduates at Pinning Ceremonies in Morgantown, Charleston


MORGANTOWN, WV (LOOTPRESS) – The West Virginia Junior College (WVJC) School of Nursing at Mon Health and Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC) campuses celebrated nursing graduates during special pinning ceremonies held earlier this month in Charleston and Morgantown.

The ceremonies recognized 40 Morgantown and 28 Charleston nursing graduates who completed the WVJC School of Nursing’s 18-month nursing program and are now ready to enter the field. The nursing pinning ceremony marks a graduates’ transition from student to nurse, an achievement honoring their dedication and the impact they will soon have in the health care community.

“This pinning ceremony represents these nurses’ unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of their patients,” said WVJC Campus President Samantha Esposito. “We are incredibly proud of each of them, and we are thrilled to see the positive impact they will make in our community.”…

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