33 People Are Now Facing Felony Charges In Smith County After Their Arrest

Lucky Larry

Smith County law enforcement officers have been extremely busy lately because of people who continue to drive under the influence.

It is the time for holiday parties, gatherings, celebrations, and a few drinks. With alcohol playing a big role at the party, after a night of celebrating with friends and family, many people make the poor choice and choose to drive home impaired.

Last week 105 people were booked into the Smith County Jail from Friday, December 6th through Monday, December 9th. Of those 105, 35 of them were arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated, that’s more than one-third of the arrests in Smith County.

Driving Under The Influence is 100% avoidable

Now, those arrested for DUI face possible misdemeanor charges while a handful are now facing a felony charge because they picked their third or more DUI charge…

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