CLEARWATER — Next Tuesday, Pinellas County commissioners could cast a crucial vote for the future of a new Tampa Bay Rays ballpark, a billion-dollar project freighted with economic promises and political symbolism that remains precariously alive following an autumn of hurricanes and plot twists.
During a work session Thursday, commissioners debated what path would put the county in the best position — and force the Rays to hold up their end of the deal. While they stopped short of tipping their hands, Thursday offered the glimmer of what next week might bring.
The three remaining commissioners who voted to approve the stadium deal in July — Kathleen Peters, Brian Scott and Rene Flowers — are likely to vote Tuesday in favor of authorizing the sale of bonds to finance the county’s $312.5 million portion of the $1.3 billion project. Newly elected commissioner Vince Nowicki has already said he’ll vote no; so might fellow newcomer Chris Scherer, who on Thursday suggested delaying the bond vote for a third time…