A math teacher from California is now under fire from enraged parents after demanding his students to reveal their sexuality. It happened during a class activity where he tried to force his freshmen pupils to come out as gay or lesbian.
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This strange incident happened at Rancho Buena Vista High School in California during an elective seminar. The math teacher wrote the assignment about sexuality as the following: “Stand in a circle. Each of you is now gay or lesbian, and you are about to begin your coming out process. You cannot talk for the rest of this activity.”
Uncomfortable School Activity Enrages Parents
The activity this teacher gave out, which was meant to teach students about being socially current with topics of sexuality, led to seven students walking out. One female student went home and immediately told her father, James Leon, of the assignment. Ever since then, a heated debate has sprung between angered parents and the school board.
Leon’s daughter took a photo of the assignment instructions and showed her father, leading him to post it on Instagram. “These are the types of activities being put on our children in public schools,” the father captioned. “My daughter told the teacher Hell no!!!!! Then proceeded to walk out of the classroom.”
He continued about how angry this made him and how Leon had already spoken to the high school about the issue. The VP apparently assured Leon that it wasn’t a part of the curriculum. And yet, later in the feud, Leon would discover that it was in fact from the curriculum.
Hundreds of comments flooded the post from frustrated parents in solidarity with Leon. He followed this up by emailing the school’s principal, even noting how his LGBT friends were just as “disgusted by this.”…