Changes To New Mexico Law In 2025 Include New Fees For State Parks

Starting in January, new laws go into effect in New Mexico and one of them will make state park visitors very happy … for a little while.

Just like in Texas and across the country, the new year brings new laws and not everybody will be happy with all of them. Take Texas for example – most of the state is thrilled to see annual state vehicle inspections go away. Except for those living in Texas counties that are keeping them.

Anyway, one of the new laws for the land of enchantment has to do with state park entry fees which are going up and, also, away. For a minute anyway.

What Changes For New Mexico State Park Entry Fees?

First of all, for New Mexicans, the entry fees are going away. At least from January 1st through April 30th anyway … for the first few months of ’25, residents can visit the parks for FREE. After that though, the fee is coming back and it’s going up…

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