Two People With Dog Rescued After Wave From Cruise Ship Overturns Boat in Tampa Bay

Two people and their dog were rescued over the weekend after the wake from a passing cruise vessel overturned their boat as they were sailing in Tampa Bay near Gadsden Point.

The cruise passengers onboard noticed the two survivors in the water and immediately notified crew members. Dan Hemmer, a Tampa Bay Harbor Pilot, was escorting the vessel from the port with Michael Stutevoss. Hemmer told FOX 13 that they were already moving too quickly to stop and reach the pair in time.

“Our ship was going very fast when we sighted these people,” Hemmer narrated to the news network. “So by the time we were able to communicate to the crew of the cruise ship and get the ship stopped, we were a good way past the victims in the water.”

On the vessel, crew members deployed one of the lifeboats. Meanwhile, Hemmer and Stutevoss notified the US Coast Guard…

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