Vehicle maintenance, driving tips for winter weather conditions

JACKSON, Tenn. — As the winter weather continues to move across West Tennessee, we have some expert advice for all who will have to be on the road.

Winter conditions can be taxing on your vehicle. Remember to check your vehicle’s tires, brakes, fluids, wiper blades, lights, belts and hoses to make sure they’re in good condition. A breakdown is bad on a good day, and can be dangerous on a bad-weather day.

The Tennessee Highway Patrol recommends citizens to stock and prepare your vehicle for the unknown. Some things to include in your winter travel kit are blankets, water and a car battery.

Over the next few days, the Tennessee Department of Transportation will begin pretreating the roadways with a salt brine. This tacky mixture helps melt the snow as it hits the ground.

We spoke to Nichole Lawrence with TDOT about the importance of safe driving around snow plows.

“You know when our crews are out pretreating or plowing, either one, you know you need to give our workers space. So don’t crowd the plow, give yourself plenty of room between the people in front of you and our workers, so that they can clear the path for you to have a safe commute,” said Lawrence.

Driving in winter weather can be difficult, be sure to take extra precaution while traveling over bridges or overpasses. If you are stopped or stalled in wintry weather, stay focused on yourself, your passengers, your car and your surroundings…

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