Twin Falls Rep. Hostetler introduces $250M private school tax credit legislation

On his third day as a state legislator, Rep. Clint Hostetler, R-Twin Falls, introduced a $250 million private school tax credit bill.

HB 1, the Idaho Parental Choice Tax Credit, would allow parents with children enrolled in private schools to access a $9,500 tax credit toward qualified expenses, including tuition, tutoring, textbooks, curriculum and transportation costs at nonpublic schools.

At a Twin Falls town hall last week, Hostetler said he wants to force some free market competition into education and said he would support a tax credit that wouldn’t divert funds from public schools but would instead use money from the state’s general fund.

“I think the big reason for a lot of this is because I think people look at our education system and see a broken system,” Hostetler said last week…

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