International Storytelling Center donates $23k to United Way for Helene relief

JONESBOROUGH, Tenn. (WJHL) — The International Storytelling Center (ISC) donated more than $23,000 of ticket sales from last year’s canceled National Storytelling Festival to the United Way of East Tennessee Highlands to support Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

The National Storytelling Festival was originally set to take place in October 2024 but was canceled after Hurricane Helene arrived in the region.

Attendees who already purchased tickets were given the option to donate the cost of their ticket to the United Way, the ISC said in a news release.

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“It is my honor to announce our $23,349 donation to the United Way of East Tennessee Highlands to support their impactful and ongoing Hurricane Helene relief efforts,” ISC President Michael Carson said in the release. “We were shocked and saddened by the loss of homes, property and basic services in the aftermath of the storm, and are pleased to support the United Way’s efforts in providing services to families who are still recovering from the storm’s devastation.”…

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