At Monday’s meeting, Albion City Council again tabled the discussion on the request of the Albion Economic Development Corporation to transfer $150,000 from the TIFA (tax increment finance authority) fund into the EDC budget. The reason for this request is to balance the EDC budget by reimbursing money spent toward the expansion and completion of Albion’s industrial parks.
There to support the EDC’s request via public comment were former council members Nora Jackson and Marcola Lawler, Shelby Carter of LFK Marketing, the agency that handles the marketing endeavors of the EDC to attract new industry, and former KCC President Dennis Bona. Bona who is currently Director of Manufacturing and Mobility Programs with the Michigan Workforce Training & Education Collaborative encouraged council to approve the transfer of funds, anticipating that a training center will evolve in the industrial park so that residents may achieve the skills needed to fill the coming positions.
There were concerns raised by Interim City Manager Doug Terry and City Finance Director Dave Clark as to whether the funds requested were solely for industrial development to be transferred from TIFA…