VDH report sheds more light on Henrico Doctor’s failure to report suspected infant abuse

RICHMOND, Va. (WWBT) – The On Your Side investigators are uncovering more babies hurt in the NICU at Henrico Doctors Hospital.

The report that 12 On Your Side received via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) came to us after the hospital paused all neonatal intensive care unit admissions in December 2024 due to three pre-term babies being found with bone fractures.

The 10-page report from the Virginia Department of Health and it’s shedding more light into what happened in 2023 when Henrico Doctors’ hospital failed to report suspected abuse in 2023 of four babies in its NICU.

The VDH requires all suspected abuse cases in hospitals to be reported within 24 hours, but the report found that did not happen in the case of four premature babies…

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