Driving the passes? Learn to use chains properly or pay the price

Welcome to winter. Although winter has been unusually mild in the Wenatchee Valley, the passes have occasionally been quite a mess. And if you’re going to drive the passes? You will probably need chains.

According to nbcrightnow.com,

‘Over Jan. 3 and 4, WSP’s District 6 made contact with 56 drivers during its Chain Enforcement Emphasis on the east side of Snoqualmie Pass. Of those drivers, six were fined for failing to chain up and nine were fined for failing to carry chains.’

When you’re traveling over the major mountain passes, you can always roll the dice and hope that chains won’t be required. But it will cost you money if they are, and it will cost you a whole lot of time.

There seems to be a bit of confusion as to what “chains required” actually means…

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