5 Things to Know: Homelessness Continues to Rise in Charlotte-Mecklenburg

Homelessness Continues to Rise in Charlotte-Mecklenburg

Mecklenburg County Community Support Services released its annual State of Housing Instability and Homelessness (SoHIH) Report on Thursday. The report combines local, regional and national data across the housing continuum to serve as the foundation from which Charlotte-Mecklenburg leaders make decisions on the allocation of resources and development of systems of care.

The report consists of three main sections: homelessness, housing instability, and those stably housed in affordable housing. It presents data on the demand side of the housing continuum, from housing instability to homelessness, as well as the supply side, which includes all types of permanent, affordable housing.

The report covers aspects such as cost-burden, evictions, Point-in-Time Count, housing inventory, rental gaps, the Housing Trust Fund, and system performance metrics. New data this year includes information on substandard housing and survey data from the first ever Detention Center Point-in-Time Count. The next Point in Time count, in which volunteers spend the night documenting each person struggling with homelessness in Charlotte, is set to take place on Jan. 23…

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