Michigan winters can be some of the most brutal times of the year as we are slammed with tons of snow and cold temperatures. The bitter weather causes many of us to limit our social lives and even brings about seasonal depression for others. While winter may have its advantages, there are tons of small inconveniences that are associated as well.
Shoveling snow is one of the tasks that most of us dread having to do and many of us will pawn the activity off on a younger family member or kid from the neighborhood for a few bucks. I don’t blame anyone who pays someone else to do it because being cold is something I don’t enjoy either. Shoveling may make it easier to walk but there is a task that may be more important and keeps you safe.
Laying out deicing salt on your walkway, sidewalk, and driveway could be the difference between walking upright and slipping and sliding all over the place. Salt is meant to help break down the ice and melt faster, clearing the roads, sidewalks, and driveways. Although this task is important for safety, salting wrong or over doing it can have consequences.
How Should Someone In Michigan Apply Salt?
The first step is to clear the hard surface of the snow and once the surface is as clear as possible, begin to sprinkle salt on the surface. It is said that 12 ounces of salt can cover a 20ft driveway or 10 sidewalk squares. You should also make sure that the salt is spread out amongst the area so there is space between the grains. The best time to apply salt to your surfaces is during daylight hours as the combination of salt and sunshine will help clear the space…