Afield: 30 predator hunts are scheduled this winter in Pennsylvania. Here’s what to know

A cloud hangs over organized predator hunts, and they have been banned in several states, including New York. However, they are going strong in the Keystone State. At least 30 organized predator hunts are scheduled across Pennsylvania, including one in Centre County, and hunters are eager to participate. Hunts begin in January and continue through mid-March.

Thirteen hunts are planned to start in January, beginning with Endless Mountains Coon Hunters 20th Annual Coyote & Fox Hunt centered in Susquehanna County. February sees 14 hunts, including the nation’s largest — the Mosquito Creek hunt, held Feb. 21-23. Three hunts are scheduled for March, ending with the Clearfield Youth Football Take’m Out Hunt, March 14-16.

The long-running Mosquito Creek Sportsmen Club hunt is in its 34th year. Last year, with 4,189 hunters registered for the hunt, there were 263 coyotes turned in. Dustin Andreis took first place at Mosquito Creek with a 53.15-pound coyote that he shot in Washington County. His prize was $8,378. This was the second heaviest coyote ever entered at Mosquito Creek…

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