In an operation that underscores the ongoing struggle against retail crime, two Baldwin Park residents were nabbed on charges stemming from a string of counterfeit currency incidents. Lucia Haro and Aimee Rodriguez were apprehended at the Camarillo Outlets on Tuesday, according to a media release posted by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office.
The duo was observed to intentionally pass several counterfeit one-hundred-dollar bills at different retail stores within the outlet center. As outlined by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, Haro and Rodriguez would buy low-cost items, pay with the fake $100 bill, and receive change in real currency. This series of transactions led to their eventual arrest and the seizure of merchandise and cash totaling over $1,000, which is believed to be the result of their counterfeit activities.
“All merchandise was seized and returned to the rightful retailers,” stated the release, noting that the suspects had engaged in passing a counterfeit $100 bill at seven different stores. Sergeant Todd Welty, the officer responsible for the media release, detailed that Haro was also found in possession of additional counterfeit bills at the time of her apprehension…