Juan Rodriguez, a US Army veteran who served his country with distinction during the Korean War while assigned to the “Borinqueneers” the 65th Infantry Regiment, was recognized for his distinguished service at a celebration at the VFW Post 5796 in Kings Park on January 11.
During the Korean War, often referred to as the “Forgotten War,” the men of the 65th Infantry Regiment earned 10 Distinguished Service Crosses, 256 Silver Stars, and 596 Bronze Stars. In addition, on June 10, 2014, the Regiment was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. Then in 2021 Congress designated April 13 as “National Borinqueneers Day.” The 65th Regiment was the first segregated Hispanic military unit from Puerto Rico and the first unit of the Korean War to receive such distinction.
After the war, Mr. Rodriguez enrolled in the School of Commercial Arts and upon graduating he worked in advertising and then started his own Hot Press business in Manhattan. With the advent of computers, he closed his business and worked out his home for a couple of years and then secured a position as a custodian for the Kings Park School District…