BRYAN COUNTY, Ga (WSAV) — Bryan County Sheriff Mark Crowe told News 3 the county jail has the lowest capacity per capita in the state of Georgia, with only 68 beds, and we’re told it is time to build an additional county jail.
According to Crowe, the Georgia Sheriff’s Association said in 2025, they will be in need of a 475-bed facility, and they will need it to carry them 20 years into the future. The office is currently paying for inmates to be housed in Liberty and Ware County Jails, and Crowe said it costs $45 a day per inmate.
“This year, it’ll be between $500,000 and $1 million on just housing out inmates to other counties,” he said. “That’s not including the time that it takes the deputy, our transport officer to go get them…”
19-year-old sought for teen’s murder in Bryan County
Crowe said that it puts a strain on the budget and that it’s money that could be used on employees and equipment…