ACLU Opposes Bill to Invalidate Out-of-State Driver’s Licenses Issued to Undocumented Immigrants

Invalidating out-of-state driver’s licenses for undocumented residents won’t make Wyoming’s roads any safer, but it will make the state more inhospitable to immigrants.

The ACLU of Wyoming opposes House Bill 116, legislation that would prohibit undocumented immigrants from driving vehicles using licenses issued in other states. A driver using these out-of-state licenses could be penalized with a citation for driving without a license. The bill is scheduled to be discussed in the House Corporations Committee after the noon recess today.

“The roads are safer if everyone using them has passed a driver’s test and is licensed. States that have extended driving privileges to undocumented residents have seen the positive effect it can have on traffic,” said Antonio Serrano, ACLU of Wyoming advocacy director. “But House Bill 116, in undermining the validity of driver’s licenses, would make Wyoming roads less safe. This is because driver’s licenses promote public safety. This anti-immigrant bill does not make our state any safer or any better.”…

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