Nebraska ag college aids in planting FFA seed in Colorado high school

Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, located in Curtis, has long been recognized for its commitment to the agricultural industry by offering only ag-based majors and certifications. Additionally, the college boasts a nationally ranked veterinary tech program. Now, the school may add an FFA chapter to its glowing resume.

Last spring, NCTA’s Colorado-based admissions recruiter visited Ellicott High School, a rural district with an enrollment of approximately 270 students in grades 9-12, located 15 miles east of Colorado Springs. While the recruiter generated student interest in NCTA, the cogs were turning in Kathleen Baca’s mind. Ellicott hired Baca three years prior as a high school science teacher whose focus was teaching physical science despite holding a biology degree. Baca’s children were enrolled in various livestock projects in the local 4-H club and Baca felt that agriculture classes might be compatible with Ellicott’s curriculum.

“I had this livestock background with my kids being in 4-H,” Baca said. “I wanted to bring that 4-H experience into the classroom because of the growth and career connections that 4-H offers.” Couple that idea with an introductory animal science “feeler” class that Baca offered to interested seniors, and the entire ag concept began evolving. However, Baca wasn’t sure how to further pursue the idea, until the NCTA recruiter mentioned an Ag Teachers Bootcamp offered in June on the Curtis campus. Baca pitched the bootcamp idea to the Ellicott administration and things began taking shape…

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