Montanans are feeling the pinch at the grocery store, just like the rest of America. The latest commodity to skyrocket in price is eggs. The incredible, edible egg is currently around $5 a dozen – and up – at local grocers due to bird flu sweeping the country.
Eggs are the most recent example, but it seems like no aisle in the store has been safe from inflation and/or price gouging tactics. From beef and vegetables to cereal and potato chips, everything is far more expensive than it was just a couple of years ago.
Montana History: What Is Fort Connah? The Story Behind Montana’s Oldest Building
Montana’s good old days weren’t always that great.
I recently bought a copy of The Bad Old Days of Montana – Untold Stories of the Big Sky State by Randi Samuelson-Brown ($24.95). If you enjoy Montana history as much as I do, this book is a must-have for your collection. Life in early Montana was incredibly challenging. Isolated from everything, just getting here was tough enough and necessities were frequently in short supply. And expensive!…