INDIANAPOLIS—The statewide annual count of individuals experiencing homelessness will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025. Service providers and volunteers in local communities across Indiana will be conducting the 2025 Point-IN-Time (PIT) Count for the Indiana Balance of State (BOS) Continuum of Care (CoC) in 91 of the 92 counties in the state. Marion County (Indianapolis) conducts its own PIT Count.
The purpose of this annual count of people experiencing unsheltered or sheltered homelessness is to provide an easy-to-understand data point that helps state and local leaders measure progress toward ending homelessness and helps plan services and programs to appropriately address local needs. The sheltered count is conducted at emergency shelters, transitional housing, and safe haven projects across 16 regions that make up the Indiana BOS.
WaTasha Barnes Griffin, PIT Coordinator for Region 6, which includes Muncie and Delaware County, states, “In Delaware County, Muncie, Indiana, the PIT count is a vital tool for improving the well-being of the unhoused population and fostering a collaborative, data-driven approach to solving homelessness. Muncie Mission, A Better Way Services, The Muncie Hub, Christian Ministries, Meridian Health Services, Center Township Trustee, Open Door Health Services, and the City of Muncie’s Office of Community Development work collaboratively to ensure that stable housing is a priority for all.”…