Where You Can See Bald Eagles In Utah This February

Where You Can See Bald Eagles In Utah This February

February is the best time of the year to see America’s national bird here in Utah. Bald eagles fly to Utah in the winter to find food and escape colder conditions farther north. By the time February arrives, hundreds of eagles are typically in the state.

While the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources isn’t holding any formal bald eagle viewing events in February this year, there are plenty of spots around Utah where you can see these iconic birds on your own next month. Biologists recommend bringing binoculars or spotting scopes to these locations, in order to better see the birds. Make sure to only view the birds from public areas and to not trespass on private property.

For those who want to enjoy seeing bald eagles from the comfort of their home, the DWR will be providing a Livestream of the eagles during the week of February 3rd. You can also pick up a free, collectible Bald Eagle Month pin at any of the six DWR offices and at the DWR’s George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Wildlife Education Center (while supplies last)…

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