Wrong Side of The Tracks

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the views of City News Group

The wrong side of the tracks for residence and business owners in the City of Colton has always been The South Colton Corridor. For decades South Colton has been purposely neglected by some City of Colton Departments due to the low income of its residents. There are no elected officials that live in the South Colton Corridor and the city has chosen to absorb the area into what is now a new district 3, which has led to even less representation.

Thankfully, Alot of change is about to occur in the nation and in the State of California including the City of Colton. For the first time in over 20 years Colton is scheduled for a Municipal Service Review. MSR’s are designed to identify where cities are lacking in their service to the communities, they are responsible for along with setting goals through vigorous research, community meetings, surveys and interviews…

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