Sheriff’s in New York State Adopting New “Blue Envelope” Program

Law enforcement is a job unlike any other but in some regards it also operates like other businesses. One of the ways that law enforcement is similar to other businesses is that new policies and programs can be adopted and implemented that ideally changes and improves upon a certain aspect or aspects of the job moving forward.

Well law enforcement in Rockland County has recently announced the incorporation of a new program introduced to aid law enforcement throughout the state of New York and it appears that many others are also getting on board.

Blue Envelope Program in New York State

The new program that has recently been introduced to law enforcement in New York State is called the “Blue Envelope” Program. The Blue Envelope Program is an initiative that was introduced last week by the New York State Sheriff’s Association and was designed to improve the interactions between law enforcement and drivers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

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