By David Rogers. BLOWING ROCK, N.C. — It started with a Bill Wilson dream and came to reality with Jim Walters’ persistence, some divine intervention and the work of a community of communities.
Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church dedicated the installation of two frescoes by Ben Long in its newly completed Gathering Space on Feb. 16. Testimony to the significance of the event: the large crowd packing the sanctuary for the worship service — and everyone remained to file into the Gathering Space for the ceremonial blessing.
“We are calling them our Fresco Ministry,” explained Pastor Kathy Beach in an interview with Blowing Rock News before the worship service, “as part of our outreach efforts. Our hope is that the frescoes will connect with people who might not come to worship service but when they enter the church to see the frescoes they will encounter the biblical art and engage with the biblical stories. So we really feel this is an outreach beyond the walls of the church. Some estimates (suggest) tens of thousands of people may come through these doors who might never come otherwise. So this extends and expands our ministry.”
They almost painted over them…