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ESPN’s Molly Qerim recently underwent surgery for endometriosis, a condition she’s battled for over twelve years. In a heartfelt Instagram post, the First Take host opened up about this typically private health struggle, expressing gratitude to her surgeon, Dr. Masahide Kanayama, calling him “a miracle in my life.”
Endometriosis, a painful disorder where uterine-like tissue grows outside the uterus, can affect the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic lining. Qerim, 40, has previously discussed her experience with symptoms like fatigue, pelvic pain, and bloating.
Sharing a photo with Dr. Kanayama, Qerim relayed his description of the procedure as “super difficult and delicate,” and his hopes for her smooth recovery. She also offered encouragement to others facing health challenges, urging them to advocate for themselves and remain hopeful for better days ahead.
In 2018, Qerim revealed that managing her endometriosis had become a significant commitment, requiring diligent attention to sleep, diet, acupuncture, exercise, and meditation to control inflammation and maintain the energy demands of her high-profile, always-on television career. She also shared her difficult journey to diagnosis, initially unaware of the underlying cause of her persistent fatigue. While the reason for her week-long absence from First Take last October was never officially disclosed, Qerim’s recent post suggests a positive outlook and imminent return to the show.