Eula Volunteer Fire Chief urges drivers to yield to personal vehicles with hazards

EULA, Tx — Volunteer fire departments help keep the community safe, and a lot of times when they are responding to emergencies the fire fighters aren’t in fire trucks. Instead, they are in their personal vehicles that are not equipped with emergency lights. The Eula Volunteer Fire Department’s fire chief, Roy Galinak urges drivers to yield to vehicles with flashing hazard lights because it could save a life.

“When the pager goes off and I’m alerted to an emergency, I turn my hazard lights on,” Galinak said. “My vehicle is not equipped with emergency flashing lights. No one’s personal vehicle comes that way. You have to modify it to do that. If they have their hazard lights on, try to make way for them. Yield the right of way and be mindful of what’s around you when you’re driving. It might help save a life.”

Galinak says he understands drivers on the roads may not recognize volunteer fire fighters’ personal vehicles on the roads, but he says yielding to vehicles with flashing lights can save valuable seconds…

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