Humanity and nature in harmony; 4th annual blessing of the Abilene Zoo animals

ABILENE, Texas ( KTAB/KRBC )- A large crowd paraded through the Abilene Zoo Wednesday evening, led by clergy with the Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest and bringing blessings to the animals for the fourth year. Church Rector David Romanik carried with him a bowl of holy water and words of inspiration relating to each animal he sprinkled it over. KTAB/KRBC spoke with Romanik to better understand the meaning of this spiritual safari and Saint Francis of Assisi, whose teachings and life inspire similar events across the country.

“I wanted this to be more than just a chance to come to the zoo but rather a chance for these animals to teach us something, which is what Francis understood; animals and creation have a lot to teach us as long as we pay attention.” Said Rector Romanik.

Following a brief word of worship from the clergy and communal singing of All Things Bright and Beautiful, the parade made its way from the flamingo flock through Albert the alligator’s habitat and on to the giraffes, lions, rhinos, and zebras, with everyone feeling a part of this unique experience.

“It’s always a joyous event. It’s always a wonderful celebration of this wonderful resource that we have in Abilene, and it’s a great time for families to get together and enjoy the zoo.” Romanik said…

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