Wanna stop school mass shootings? Vote

The recent mass shooting at Apalachee High School underscores the urgent need for gun reform, emphasizing the importance of voting for change. Credit: AP/Mike Stewart.

The recent mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia (the 385th mass shooting in America this year) has elicited the same old response. Nothing beyond thoughts and prayers.

Even though the Apalachee HS school shooter was flagged by the FBI as a potential school shooter a year prior, his father was able to buy him an AR-platform gun for his birthday and no one batted an eye.

And why would they? For the past four years, there have been 650 mass shootings on average each year. And even though the vast majority of U.S. citizens (Democrats, Republicans and Independents) agree that common sense gun reform is sorely needed, nothing has happened…

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