Use These 5 Tips To Make Sure Your Pipes Don’t Freeze In Washington and Oregon
I’ve had a few times in my life when I’ve encountered frozen pipes in my home. I was living in Yakima years ago and the pipes underneath our manufactured house froze.
Protect Your Home: 5 Essential Tips to Prevent Frozen Pipes
I had to call the plumber who brought out a heater and we were back up in no time. I also worked in Havre Montana where it can be -60 degrees below zero in the winter and I noticed underneath our house that the pipes were wrapped with heating tape.
As we get a bitter cold front in the Tri-Cities, I thought I’d break down a few tips to help you navigate the cold weather in Washington and Oregon.
1. Insulate Your Pipes: The first tip to avoid frozen pipes in winter is to make sure your pipes are properly insulated. This can be done by wrapping pipes with insulation or foam sleeves. It’s essential to pay attention to pipes in unheated areas like basements and attics or pipes under sinks or crawl spaces. This insulation will help keep the water warm and prevent it from freezing…