Centre Film Festival fosters community, economic development in sixth year


Of the movies produced around the world, only a small percentage ever make it to a streaming platform or the movie theater. The others, produced without the backing of a major production company, are known as independent, or “indie,” films. These films—ranging from films by first-timers on the movie scene to films up for Oscars—are promoted by public screening events like the Centre Film Festival.

The brainchild of Pearl Gluck, associate professor of film production at Penn State, and the late Curt Chandler, the Centre Film Festival first aired twenty-five films over a weekend at the Rowland Theatre in Philipsburg in 2019. Now in its sixth year, the festival has expanded to a sprawling, weeklong community effort involving students, local filmmakers and artists, community members, businesses, and out-of-towners.

“Film festivals are a way to connect to people in the community and to see how your film speaks specifically to that [geographic] area,” says Gluck, who oversees the festival as its artistic director. “We’re at a time now where I think it’s extremely important to make sure all parts of the U.S. have voices. It’s one thing to show your films at L.A. or New York or Toronto, and it’s another to bring it here, where it’s less known or popular to see indie films.”…

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