Alaska Clean Energy Week

WHEREAS, clean and renewable energy is part of Alaska’s energy infrastructure and future. It includes generation from renewable sources such as wind, solar, hydro, tidal, biomass, geothermal, and hydrogen sources, and it also includes nuclear, natural gas, and carbon capture technologies as well as energy storage; and

WHEREAS, with Alaska’s abundance of renewable and clean energy sources, our State is poised to be a leader in energy independence for Alaskans and our fellow Americans without reliance on foreign dictatorial regimes; and

WHEREAS, according to the United States Geological Survey, America relies on China for 80 percent of rare earth minerals that are essential to modern life and to a sustainable energy future. Alaska is home to 49 of the 50 critical minerals, including graphite, cobalt, and rare earths that can help boost a responsible power grid and battery technology in the face of an energy transition and will serve an important role to reduce foreign reliance; and…

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