America’s greatest regional hot dogs: A highly subjective guide

Chicago Dog. (Scott Suchman for The Washington Post; food styling by Lisa Cherkasky for The Washington Post)

The art of the argument is arguably the American way, pervading through every element of our culture, no matter how ridiculous or utterly useless the topic may be. Ever since our forefathers quibbled over throwing perfectly good tea into a harbor, generations have found conflict in our cuisine, from pineapple on pizza to the Cola Wars.

Of all the foods that necessitate heated arguments, perhaps none stokes the fire in the hearts of men quite like hot dogs. Great minds have been reduced to rubble by the philosophical quandary of whether they are sandwiches, despite the fact they’re blatantly not. (They are hot dogs. Respect their individuality.) Friendships have been fractured over the topic of ketchup; families ideologically divided by an ocean of piping-hot chili.

Regional hot dogs styles are like charismatic cult leaders but with toppings. They’re as cherished as sports teams and public transportation – things that unite people under a shared umbrella, an acknowledgment of our brotherhood and community, and used to let everyone else know exactly how terrible they are in comparison…

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