MHMS business students earn Lean Six Sigma Certification

One of the world’s first educational institutions to partner with Amazon for the Lean Six Sigma certification program is right here in Sumner County: Merrol Hyde Magnet School.

Mabel Shelton, a Merrol Hyde alumna and program manager at Amazon, helped bring Lean Six Sigma to the school. Courtney Givens, one of the CTE teachers, received her Green Belt certification through the same program and knew her students would benefit from the program.

For those who haven’t taken a CTE class, Lean Six Sigma teaches students methods and principles for reducing waste and product defects or variation. The program offers many different levels of certification, starting with Yellow or Green, then moving on to Black I and II, and finally Master Black. Each level is called a belt and for each title, it’s required to pass a test verifying the participant’s knowledge…

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