Fairfax Mill site to be repurposed


VALLEY — Ever since Fairfax Mill was demolished and the site cleared of debris much thought has gone into ways to repurpose the now city-owned site into some kind of public use.

Landscape architect Scott Colomb has been coming up with a conceptual plan of how to do that. At 6 p.m. ET on Tuesday, October 29th he will be making a presentation at the East Alabama Fire Department building located off Boulevard near the mill site. All residents of the Fairfax community and anyone else interested in this project is invited to attend this public meeting and to feel free to offer input and suggestions.

“This is something important to our neighborhood, and we want a good turnout that evening,” Council Member Jim Jones told The Valley Times-News following the Monday meeting of the city council. Jones has represented the Fairfax community on the council for going on three decades…

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