Defenders’ Styrofoam Re-Cycling Teams Seeks Volunteers

From the Environmental Defenders of McHenry County:

The Recycling Team Needs Your Help!

The Recycling Team’s Styrofoam Recovery Program needs volunteers at our site at the Algonquin Township Highway Department in Crystal Lake to sort and bag Styrofoam.

The site is open Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 3 PM.

If those times don’t work for you, we can make arrangements for you to be there at other times. We have volunteers who find it more convenient to work Saturdays or Sundays. Most folks volunteer for about 1 or 2 hours each week. Once trained on how to separate “good” Styrofoam from stuff we can’t use, which only takes one session, it’s up to you when you volunteer. We ask that you contact our Team Chair, Barb Day, [email protected], and let her know when you have been at the shed, how long you were there and how many bags you have filled.

Those bags are picked up by our volunteer drivers, another group that needs more volunteers, and taken to Chicago Logistic Service in West Dundee…

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