WABBLES Weekend: Rollercoaster ride comes back down the hill


It’s been a week with fairly big temperature swings around WABBLES despite the overall lack of changes in the forecast. However, we’ll keep an eye on the potential for some showers moving back into the region for part of the weekend as temperatures tumble again.

Warm Finish to the Week: Friday and Friday Night

High pressure continues to scoot to the east as we watch a weak front push toward the region. This will mean two things. 1: we’ll be warming up, and 2: we’ll see some moisture try to return.

We need some rain, man. (Giphy)

Filtered sunshine during the day, combined with southerly winds increasing our moisture content, should allow highs to get up into the lower to perhaps middle 80s throughout the region.

NAM’s feeling upper 70s to near 80º. Could see a few areas get warmer than that. (Pivotal Weather)

While return flow ahead of the front will allow moisture to return to the region, there’s still plenty of dry air in place in the lower levels of the atmosphere. So, while we’ll see the potential for some high clouds increasing, I think showers will still be hard to come by late Friday night into early Saturday.

You’ve gotta want it. (Pivotal Weather)

However, that front will swing on through and the whatever showers we manage to squeeze out won’t be around long because things are looking much nicer as we head into the weekend. Overnight lows are back into the upper 50s…

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