You Be The Judge: Was This Insanely Close Texas A&M Field Goal ‘Good’ or ‘No Good’?

Full disclosure, I’m a Bowling Green fan. I grew up, went to college there, my parents still live there, etc. So naturally, when I was watching Bowling Green take Texas A&M down to the god damn wire last night, and the refs declared this field goal “GOOD”, I was disgusted. I wanted the referees arrested right there on the spot. I wanted every stupid Texas A&M cult member in the stands arrested along with them. I wanted the male cheerleaders arrested twice. I wanted everybody in College Station arrested except for the dog.

I thought the screw job was on. But upon further review… I have no fucking idea if that kick was good or not. That’s about as close as it gets. Based on the angles we were given, I don’t know how anybody could look you in the eye and definitively tell you whether or not that kick was good one way or another. The ref standing underneath the goal posts is quite literally the only person in the world who have the correct angle to know for sure. 

That being said, we must have the technology to start reviewing field goals right? I guess it might not be worth it, because a field goal this close comes about MAYBE once per season. Probably not even that much. But you could put a camera pointing upwards where the crossbar and upright meet, right? Or maybe have little lasers shoot out the top of the goal posts, and if the ball touches (or doesn’t touch) the laser then we know it’s good. I’m sure somebody out there could make that happen…

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