Why Montanans Spend More Money On Home Insurance Than Most

Chris Wolfe

Living in Montana isn’t always easy. Sometimes it can be downright tough. It also can be expensive. We have seen home prices increase and inflation has also been on the rise. There is another area where the cost of living in Montana is more expensive than other parts of the country, and that’s the cost of insuring your home.

Montana ranks high when it comes to how much it costs to insure a home. According to MarketWatch.com, who compiled information from Quadrant, Montana ranks as the 11th most expensive state in the nation for home insurance premiums. Quadrant provides insurance solutions and data.

I spoke with Dayna Drake, a researcher for MarketWatch, about Montana’s ranking. To compare prices with other states they looked at what it would cost for a policy for 40 year old homeowner with good credit, no large claims, a $1,000 deductible and a home price of $350,000 with personal coverage included. Here is where Montana stands:…

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