City Council to discuss annexation of two residential developments planned for East Pleasanton

A map shows the outline for the Arroyo Lago site, which aims to develop 194 detached single family homes and 49 accessory dwelling units on 26.56 acres of land. (Screenshot taken from the agenda report)

The Pleasanton City Council will be discussing two future residential development projects that SteelWave LLC is proposing to build in East Pleasanton — the main focus of Tuesday night’s agenda item will be on allowing city staff to look into annexing and developing within the city’s borders.

According to the staff report, the council will vote on authorizing staff to engage with the San Mateo-based real estate developer so that staff can return by the end of the year with additional information and, if possible, the initial terms or a framework agreement for the next steps in the annexation process for the council’s consideration. The report states that this would help the city determine how to best move forward with development in east Pleasanton, which has been an issue in recent years…

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