Jonesborough Police Department honored with commendation bars for Helene response

JONESBOROUGH, Tenn. (WJHL) — The Unicoi County Sheriff’s Office presented the Jonesborough Police Department with pins honoring the department’s heroic efforts during Hurricane Helene.

The commendation bars were given to the department by Unicoi County Chief Deputy Frank Rogers.

The police department shared on social media that the commendation bars honor the Jonesborough Police Department’s flood response to Unicoi County on Sept. 27 when Hurricane Helene devastated the region.

Today, we were presented with one of the highest honors of our careers. Chief Deputy Frank Rogers presented us with a commendation bar for our flood response to Unicoi County. We got a call for help on September 27th, and sent everything we had. The yellow VI represents the 6 lives that were lost at Impact Plastics. The 86 is the State County Code for Unicoi County. The green represents what the valley looked like before the flood. The middle line is the washed away bridges on I-26. The 2024 is the year of the flood. The tan represents the land after the flood. The 9/27 in red is the date of the flood. We wish it never happened, but we were honored to help our neighbors. Thank you, Chief Rogers. We will wear these with pride.

Jonesborough Police Department

Rogers also gave a commendation bar to a Tennessee state trooper for his assistance during the flooding…

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