Post-midterms: Treat yourself day

“And 5… 4… 3… 2… 1. Pencils down!” Those words signal the end of a familiar and stressful experience. Shoulders drop, students lean back in their seats with a wave of relief—or maybe disappointment—but at last, it’s over. With exams behind them, a question remains: What comes next?

Spectrum has curated the ideal way to relax after the intense cycle of studying, test-taking, and academic pressure as a Columbia or Barnard student. Whether midterms went smoothly or not, there’s always another chance with finals. Either way, a well-deserved break—whether for a day or just a few hours—might be just what you need.

After weeks of exams, deadlines, and long hours spent in Butler, it’s essential to take some time to recharge. To start, skip the alarm for once. Sleep is a key factor in one’s well-being that is often sacrificed during midterms, so sleeping in is a great way to recharge…

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