One Texas Beach Crowned Top 20 Secret Beaches in America
Buddy Logan

Of the five beaches that make this list, how many would you guess are in Hawaii? If you said four, you’re wrong. But if you said three, you are correct.

Of course three of the Top 5 best secret beaches in the U.S. are in Hawaii, but you know Texas is gonna get ours, right? Ok, so we’re not in the Top 5. We’re not quite inside the Top 10, either. But one of our fabulous secret beaches, located just outside of Corpus Christi, TX, did come in at No. 16.

Hey, that’s not a bad showing. Considering we’re known more for BBQ and football, not bad at all. I mean, people don’t usually associate The Lone Star State with going to the beach. But hey, now we’ve got one of the best secret ones in the country according so maybe that’s all going to change…

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